PCOS causes a spread of symptoms, including ovarian cysts, irregular or heavy periods, pimples, weight gain (especially around the waist), irregular hair growth or hair loss, infertility, high cholesterol, and high vital signs. Having PCOS also carries a better risk of diabetes and disorder.
PCOS doesn’t yet have a cure. But fortunately, there are several ways to treat and deal with the symptoms. The foremost effective way to counter this condition is to lose some extra pounds. But women with PCOS find it harder than anybody else to reduce thanks to their hormonal imbalance. Here are 5 habits which you’ll try in your diet or suggest for losing weight.
1. Monitor your portion sizes
According to a study, binge eating was shown in 60% of obese women with PCOS. It’s important to watch your portion size and avoid overeating.

Start reading nutrition labels on packaged foods to ascertain what’s considered the right portion size. Often, appropriate portion sizes are much smaller than we expect. This is able to also assist you to keep track of all your calorie intake.
2. Eat whole-grain and high-fiber foods
Adding the proper amount of fibers in your diet would assist you in maintaining the regularity of your movement and also controlling overeating as fibers assist you to feel fuller.
Aside from these benefits, fibers also will assist you to reduce cholesterol and control your vital sign. choose complex and nutrient-rich carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains.
3. Eat fewer Carbs
PCOS comes with a further risk of diabetes. To regulate your blood glucose levels, you would like to require less carbohydrates in your diet. Eating fewer carbs has been shown to lower insulin resistance and this will help in preventing weight gain.
Eating low carbs, high protein diet will help lower the number of calories because it curbs hunger and this will assist you to lose more weight.
4. Limit added Salt and Sugar
Unnatural sweeteners contribute calories with no nutritional benefits and this excess sugar can cause obesity and other health problems. Try switching your juice and sodas with water or sugar-free beverages.
Similarly, tons of our daily sodium intake comes from processed foods and take-outs. attempt to eat homemade food in the maximum amount possible as increased sodium may result in higher vital signs.
5. Choose heart-healthy fats
With heart health in mind, try to scale back or eliminate foods that are high in saturated or Trans fats. Skip the oil or shortening and instead choose olive or avocado oil, or oils made up of nuts or seeds. Although fats are rich in calories, adding healthy fats to meals can expand stomach volume and reduce hunger. This might assist you to eat fewer calories throughout the day.
A diet with reduced inflammatory food like refined carbohydrates and processed drinks and high in whole food like proteins, healthy fats might aid in weight loss. Lifestyle should even be taken into consideration. Regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep are all important to weight loss.
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