91 found with New Covid strain in Kanto, Japan

The nation has a total of 400,000+ cases of COVID-19 with 7,194 fatalities.

91 found with New Covid strain in Kanto, Japan

THD NewsDesk, New Delhi: Japan has reported 91 cases of new covid strain in Kanto, with more risk of transmissibility. This new E484K variant is found in eastern Japan and two cases at airport amidst the third wave of covid-19 in the country.

National Institute of Infectious Disease said that the new strain may have originated overseas and it may be more contagious than the conventional strains which have been found sporadically in Japan. This E484K variant has multiple mutations including that of the spike protein, which in result may undermine the effectiveness of the vaccines.

“The government is raising surveillance against mutant varieties, as it shows high risk of spreading domestically and more resistant to vaccine, if not averted with proper action” said Katsunobu Kato; Chief Cabinet Secretary on Friday.

Japan has also reported 151 cases of variants from South Africa, Brazil and Britain according to the Health Ministry. The nation has registered more than 400,000 cases of COVID-19 with 7,194 fatalities.

Meantime, 5 staff and 39 foreign detainees at the immigration facility in Tokyo have tested positive for COVID-19. However, as per the Spokesperson for Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, all 130 detainees at the facility are tested positive. It was further reported that none of the cases is serious, and the suspects are all kept isolated for quarantine.

Japan is often criticized for its detention system for immigration law violators and asylum seekers for its medical standards and monitoring of detainees. “Many detainees are locked in a small room without proper space”, said Motoko Yamagishi, the head of a migrant-right groups and she regrets the fact of outbreak in the centre. Following this government and other authorities laid strict norms to curb the same.

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