- The devices include enhanced battery durability and MRI compatibility.
- The ICD device brings Abbott’s sewn treatment suite to assist physicians innately to program their patients’ devices.
THDNewsDesk, Mumbai: Abbott released its new implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) devices. It would conduct advanced heart rhythm management abilities with a new set of advantages for India with irregular cardiac rhythms and heart collapse.
The devices allow new possibilities for patients with remote monitoring through smartphone connectivity and supporting applications. More benefits include a patient selected design, enhanced battery durability, and MRI compatibility.
The company has allegedly integrated the latest cybersecurity controls and worked with industry cybersecurity specialists to contribute to these instruments’ design and testing. This approach produces the strength to coherently improve the device as cybersecurity threats emerge in the future. It neither negotiates on battery durability nor high voltage output.
Apart from the European Union, India became the only country where a “New Technology Assessment” took place. It includes physician feedback surveys and the new advancement of high voltage (HV) and CRT-D devices. According to a statement, Dr. Balbir Singh, Chairman & Head of Cardiology, Max Group of Hospitals, New Delhi, did the first implant in India earlier this year.
Dr. Singh said, “There is seamless connectivity between the device and the programmer. The first transmission made with the patient’s phone was completed within a few seconds.”
The new design works with Abbott’s secure remote monitoring app, which is smartphone friendly. Therefore, it is connected and helps streamline communication and improves the association between doctors and their patients. For instance, the app enables patients to be associated with their healthcare team by granting access to transmission history and device performance. Physicians can check their patients remotely through the app, enabling identifying asymptomatic episodes or patient-triggered transmissions, direct to an earlier arbitration.
With improved remote monitoring skills, this CRT-D system incorporates multiple point pacing and enhanced features to serve more patients to react to CRT therapy. The ICD device brings Abbott’s sewn treatment suite to assist physicians innately to program their patients’ devices.
Source- Express Healthcare
Abbott releases cardiac rhythm governing devices in India
The devices would support advanced heart rhythm management abilities for people with irregular heart rhythms and heart collapse.