COVID-19 positive tested mothers must not stop breastfeeding their infants

Women and Child Development Ministry advises new mothers to not fear spread of covid through breastfeeding


THD NewsDesk, New Delhi: The dread of the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus has inhabited even COVID-19 positive tested mothers must breastfeed their infants as recently reported by the Women and Child Development Ministry on the 4th of August, 2020. 

The dread of the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus has inhabited in the hearts and minds of the people. The induced fear of COVID-19 has given birth to numerous myths and rumors about the spread of the virus. 

The WHO (World Health Organisation) additionally has denied any myths and said that the risk of the spread of the infection from a breastfeeding mother to an infant is negligible and has never been documented. The statement was released in order to encourage the practice of breastfeeding even if the mother is tested positive for COVID-19. 

A tweet was made following the generated instruction, which read, “Field functionaries/healthcare providers should reassure and support all mothers to initiate and continue to breastfeed their infants as per the guidelines of WHO and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – even if they are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19.”

The Ministry of Women and Child Development Ministry has recently generated instructions for all field functionaries, healthcare providers, and medical teams to ensure that break all myths and reassure that the new mothers who are tested positive for COVID-19 continue to breastfeed their infants. 

A reassuring claim was released by the Women and Child Development Ministry to further corroborate the fact that the virus is found absent in the amniotic fluid or the breast milk of the mother, which confirms that the virus cannot be transmitted during the pregnancy period or through breastfeeding.

In the confrontation with Dr. Shalini Chico, who is a pediatrician at Fortis Lafemme Hospital Richmond Town, Bangalore, she said that if the mother is too sick to feed the child, the milk must be pumped out for the feed and should be fed to the child with a Spooner tube.

 She further added, “promotion and distribution of infant milk substitutes and feeding bottles during the Covid-19 pandemic are harmful and should be condemned.” 

Further, “Research so far has not detected the ‘replication-competent active Covid virus’ in breast milk. However, limited evidence has detected strands of the viral RNA in breastmilk, which is not capable of causing infection in the baby” articulated  Dr. Chico, a pediatrician at the Fortis La Femme Hospital, Bangalore Thus, “breastfeeding benefits outweigh the potential risks of transmission and illness associated with Covid19”, ensured the pediatrician.

Breastfeed is an essential source of nutrition for the infant, especially in times when the game is about a strengthened immunity. Breast milk will firm the immunity of the newborn and protect them from the virus. Hence, new mothers are encouraged to continue to breastfeed the baby, even if they are infected or are suspicious of the infection, said the WCD ministry said. 

Further, they added that guidelines of the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare must be strictly followed by the infected mothers or the ones who suspect the contracted infection. 

“Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or sanitizer before and after contact with your child. In case of complementary feeding, feed the infant or young child with a cup and wash hands with soap and water before handling cups, bottles, teats, etc and limit the number of caregivers feeding the infant,” it said in another tweet.

The world breastfeeding week is observed from the 1st to the 7th of August. 

In such unprecedented times, when everyone remains unaware of what comes their way in the forthcoming minute, rumors and myths further strain the situation. The recently busted myth of breastfeeding by the Ministry of Women and Chil Welfare and the World Health Organisation will put a lot of new mothers at ease and will add to the much-needed immunity of the new-borns in the current times. 


Source: The Indian Express

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