6 reason why having a pet could be good for you:

Whether you have a dog, a cat, a bird or any animal in between; having a pet could prove to be an adventure for you.

 A furry animal my friend would definitely provide you with the good company during your hard times. In fact, various studies have shown how having a pet reduces stress in people. This is one of the reasons why pet adoption has increased recently.

As much as the owner thinks they are changing the lives of the animal by providing them with food and shelter, pets have a positive influence too on their owners. If you are still in a dilemma about whether to own a pet,

Here are 6 reasons that would convince you to get one.

1. Having a pet can improve your mood

Owning a pet can help you relax amidst stressful conditions, like the ongoing pandemic. According to various medical studies, having a pet could increase the levels of Oxytocin in your body which is also known as the ‘Love Hormone. This is responsible for increased closeness and bonding with your pet. It can also uplift your overall mood. 

6 reason why having a pet could be good for you:
image source: wp

2. Pets can improve your social life

Your pet could an ideal conversation starter for you when you take it for a walk next time. Also having a pet could help you to get more friends.

Dogs, in particular, are quite cautious about their surroundings, and you might find other people walking towards you to know about your pet. Having a pet would help you to know your neighborhood well. 

image source: thriveglobal

3. You have higher chances of finding your better half

If you are looking for love, pets can help you with that too. According to a survey by the Nestle subsidiary, Purina, 54% of surveyed pet owners said that their pets helped them initiate a conversation with a person they are interested in.

nearly 2/3 of the people said they are likely to date a person who owns a pet and 1/3 would preferably meet someone who has pictured of their pet on their online dating profile.

image source: theguardian

4. Pets can make you physically more active

Whether it’s taking your pet for a walk or doing yoga with them besides, having a pet would increase your diurnal activity. Getting your pet to a walk would also help you to fill up your quota of daily exercise. 

image source: meredithcorp

5. Pets can bring out the creativity in you

Pets can also be the inspiration for great creative works. Pets inspire people in various ways. The English actor Oliver Reed used to review movie scripts with his cat Felix by his side.

Also, when Albert Einstein was coming up with his theory of relativity, he would often see his cat Tiger move about. In fact, it is said that it was because of a hurt dog that Florence Nightingale became a nurse.

image source: lifehack

6. Pets make your life happier

Just like they help you deal with stress, pets can altogether make your life happier. Studies have found that pet owners have found to have lower blood pressure and decreased risk of heart diseases.

image source: happierhuman

They can make you smile even in stressful conditions. No matter who comes or leaves your life, your pet will always be there to welcome you home.

Also Read:  5 Health Reasons Why One Needs A Good Sleep

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