United States to withdraw from the World Health Organisation

Official withdrawal received, says Director-General


THD NewsDesk, New York: Director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of WHO received an official withdrawal from the United States. The Director-General is finalizing the withdrawal by reprogramming USD 62 million. However, the official notice will be in effect from 6 July 2021.

In April, Trump’s administration had stopped funding the body after reviewing its ties. After a month President Trump notified its withdrawal from the Human Council. He also alleged that the misleading by WHO had cost the deaths of over half a million people. Accordingly, he added that the body, failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms.” He states that “China has total control over the World Health Organization.”

 State Department official, Nerissa Cook said, “Today, we are announcing the remaining portion of the 2020 assessment, slightly more than USD 62 million, will be reprogrammed to the UN to pay other assessments.”

She further added USD 58 million have been contributed to President Donald trump’s April decision to suspend additional funding. Washington acclaimed that WHO had concealed information about the origins of COVID-19. These assertions against the body led Washington to withdraw from WHO.

The US ambassador Nikki Haley averred, We take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights”.

WHO reclaims that it specified the United States of the emergency. They also believe that they provided sufficient time for the Government to take an action. Beijing further added to their transparency about the virus’s origin. 

Trump’s diplomatic party is not the first to raise such doubts in the body. George W. Bush’s administration also inhibited similar concerns over the membership. In 2009, Obama’s administration reversed the course and sought back its membership. Many US critics condemn the decision and think it will not only cost American lives but also foreign lives. They echoed the desire for bringing a change, which should be the predominant reason to stay in the council.

Adding to this chain of argument, Lindsay Wiley, a Law Professor at American University said,

“Given that our vaccine manufacturing capabilities within the U.S. are limited, to withdraw from the organization at this stage in the crisis, when we’re on the cusp of developing a safe and effective vaccine and thinking about how to distribute it, would be a dire mistake.”

Senator Jeff Merkley, top Democrat on the Senate Foreign relations added, By pulling out of the WHO, President Trump is strengthening Chinese leadership and power, both within the WHO and more broadly within the international community. This is a huge mistake that damages American interests.”


Source: ANI News
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