7 Tips For A Far Better Feminine Hygiene

No matter how confident one is about their body, everyone gets a touch concerned when it involves their privates.

7 Tips For A Far Better Feminine Hygiene

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Vaginal hygiene isn’t talked about much and is sometimes overlooked and not considered as important because it should be. But often the poor health of the vagina is the owner’s fault.

So here are seven useful tips to worry about your vaginal hygiene.

1. Avoid Douching

Your vagina knows the way to look out for itself. It self-cleans and naturally produces some discharge that helps get obviate germs and bacteria from your body.

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So, douching or using harsh cleaners or soaps can disrupt your natural pH balance and may irritate your vagina and wash away good bacteria.

Plus, douching will only mask the smell and might aggravate a significant illness lying underneath.

2. Choose underwear fabric wisely

Breathable underwear or cotton underwear is the best to wear, so as to stay your vagina healthy and happy. They limit the wetness that’s likely to market bacterial growth.

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Cotton is breathable, making it a perfect fabric selection for underwear. It can down on moisture because it keeps your skin cool and dry.

On the flip side, fabrics like satin retain moisture that reduces airflow, creating irritation and friction which encourages yeast and bacteria growth, which may cause infections.

3. Practice safe sex:

Always practice sexual activity because unprotected sex can cause sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections.

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The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention says that consistent and proper use of latex condoms reduces the danger of any sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted by genital fluids such as gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and trichomoniasis.

Also, you ought to use condoms even while using any sex toy as certain infections are often transmitted through them.

4. Change sanitary pads every 4-6 hours:

According to Delhi-based gynecologist Dr. Nupur Gupta, women who have normal blood flow should change to a sanitary pad every four-six hours. The same applies to the times once you have light blood flow.

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However, if you’ve got heavy flow during menstruation then changing sanitary pads every 3-4 hours may be a must.

If sanitary napkins or tampons aren’t changed for an extended time, it can cause skin rashes and a bad odor. In certain cases, it also can put you in danger of infections.

5. Avoid scented feminine hygiene products:

It is not advised to use feminine hygiene products like scented wipes, vaginal deodorants, or scrubs to stay the vagina healthy.

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In fact, these products can worsen the condition and cause you to be susceptible to infections.

Moreover, using vaginal scrubs can cause peeling of the skin, which may further up your risk of infections.

6. Don’t shave often

Some women prefer shaving bush as they think the bush looks gross and unclean. But if research has got to be believed, bush acts as a security net that protects the vulva from bacterial infections.


Moreover, the utilization of non-electric shaving methods like razors for shaving the genital hair was found to cause genital injuries.

And if you’re getting to catch on at a parlor, remember the chemical-laden products which may not suit you.

7. Eat right:

Maintaining a healthy diet can do your body and your vagina good. Foods like yogurt with live cultures contain good-for-you bacteria that help promote vaginal health.

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If you’re susceptible to tract infections, research in the Archives of general medicine suggests it’s going to be helpful to require a cranberry supplement daily.



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