Pride Month: It is time for celebration for LGBTQ+ Community

As the calendar turns to June the celebration of Pride month begins

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As June turns on to its pages of the calendar people are looking forward to the celebration of the price month. While this might leave some people to amaze as to what this month is about. The month of June is celebrated as Pride month in order to celebrate in the name of the LGBTQ+ community.

It is dedicated to explaining the right of the LGBTQ+ community to live with dignity. Pride month is about people coming together in order to show and celebrate how far gay rights have come and how much is still left to achieve.
The history and the origin of this process were established after the riots of 1969 Stonewell. On June 28, 1969, the Stonewall Uprising took place in New York City in the USA.

These riots carried on for 6 days with a violent clash between the gay community and the police by paying the way to their rights.
At that time the atrocities against the queer community were at their peak. The NY police use to frequently raid the queer bars and harass the people over there. In those days American Constitution also had laws that banned homosexuality.

Tired of the atrocities the queer community fought back and this created great havoc in New York City. These riots carried on for 6 days with a violent clash between the gay community and the police by paying the way to their rights.

Five months after the riots the activities decided to start an LGBTQ+ community movement that demanded change in society.

While thinking of a slogan for the event L. Craig Schoonmaker suggested ‘Pride,’ marking the beginning of the iconic slogan. The first Pride parade in NYC, officially known as the Christopher Street Liberation Day March occurred on June 28th, 1970.

At that time American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic Manual still listed homosexuality as a mental disorder.
Later in the following year, the first official Pride parade was carried out in order to celebrate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, with Christopher Street Liberation Day, and the tradition has continued to date.
From 1969 until now the LGBTQ+ is working and fighting hard for their rights and to enlighten this every year 28th June is celebrated as Pride Day.

BBVA USA announces LGBTQ+ Business Resource Group | BBVA
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Visibility, acceptance, and legal protections for the LGBT people are at the core of this Pride Month celebration. Apart from the US members of a lot of other countries such as the UK, Canada, Brazil, Ireland, Australia, India, and New Zealand celebrate the month of June as Pride Month.

Global Pride Day every year is celebrated on June 28. Colorful parades, concerts, and marches are held across the world to commemorate this day. But since the country is still combatting the COVID-19 pandemic, the carnival might take place virtually.


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