Hospitals with more than 100 beds will be turned into COVID-19 vaccination centers in Noida

21,500 doctors and the other medical staff is said to receive the initial Covid-19 vaccine shots in the first immunization drive in the district. 

THD NewsDesk, NOIDA:  Any bed with more than 100 beds in the government and private hospitals will be turned into COVID-19 centers for the different phases of vaccination in the district, said the Gautam Budh Nagar administration The concerned official, and the GB Nagar district chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Deepak Ohri announced that this decision was taken in a meeting on Saturday with the consent of the office bearers of the Noida chapter of the Indian Medical Association (IMA). 

“It is mandatory for the hospitals to have three separate rooms for the vaccination purpose. While the first one will be the waiting room, the second and third rooms will be for vaccination and post-immunization assessment,” he said.

21,500 doctors and the other medical staff is said to receive the initial Covid-19 vaccine shots in the first immunization drive in the district. 

Ohri further said that there will be separate entry and exit points at all the vaccination centers. “The health department will keep the name, address and mobile number of every person, who’ll get the shots in the first phase,” he said.

The CMO further said that the district will have 13 cold storage points where vaccines can be stored, besides a vaccine depot at his office.

“Following the instructions by the district administration, the health department has identified 73 centers where the vaccination will take place. We have already prepared a list of 21,543 doctors and other medical staff, who will be inoculated in the first phase. It will be followed by the vaccination of employees of the authorities, armed forces, media persons, and police personnel in the second place. In the third and last phase, people above the age of 50 years will get the shot. However, we’ll begin the registration process for the second and third phases of vaccination, once getting the detailed guidelines in this connection from the government,” he said.

Besides the district’s Covid-19 integrated call center located at Sector 59, every primary health center (PHC) and community health center (CHC) will have a team of deployed doctors to monitor the vaccination process, as per the statement of Ohri. 

“We’ll put life support ambulances at all these spots to tackle any emergency,” he said.

Dr. NK Sharma, president of the Noida Chapter of IMA, said that the association “has asked all its members to provide full support to the Covid-9 immunization drive in the district”.

Source: Hindustan Times

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