ICMR Opens New COVID-19 Vaccine Portal

All COVID Related Information Can Now Be Accessed From This Online Portal

ICMR Opens New COVID-19 Vaccine Portal

THD NewsDesk, New Delhi: It will soon be possible to get any kind of information one needs regarding vaccines not only in India but across the world, via an online vaccine portal. Through this portal, all the relevant information regarding COVID-19 will be accessible in one place, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) is planning to launch the ICMR Vaccine Portal by 30th August next week.

In its initial phase, it will focus on collating the COVID-19 database in India, but gradually it plans to broaden its research into all the vaccines and vaccination drives in India.

ICMR will collaborate with WHO in providing data regarding vaccinations in other parts of the world. Such an extensive database would prove beneficial to not only the people in need but also to medical health professionals across India.

People can get all the updates on a vaccine in India under one roof. As of now, all the information is scattered. Therefore, after the directions from DG, we are working to develop this ICMR vaccine portal. Initially, the website will show data for the COVID-19 vaccine. But, in the future, we will update the website with information for other vaccines too as ICMR is an institute of biomedical research,” said Dr. Samiran Panda, scientist, head of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases Division (ECDD) of ICMR.

At present, there are three different vaccines being developed by Bharat Biotech in partnership with ICMR, Zydus Cadila, and Oxford University formulated vaccine being manufactured by the Serum Institute of India.

Dr. Panda added,

The Central government along with the ICMR is making all best efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Wearing masks, hand-hygiene and social distancing are preventive measures but at the same time vaccine development is another important aspect which will be updated on the ICMR vaccine portal.

Many countries around the world are working to come up with a vaccine for the COVID-19 pandemic which has infected millions and killed thousands in every part of the planet.  

It will be an enormous relief to provide the masses with an effective vaccine, to put a stop to this manifestation of collective misery people are going through.

Source: ANI

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