More Covid-19 vaccines will make their way to India: Health Minister

Directing at an online 'Future Investment Initiative' event, Vardhan said it is obvious that the prevailing crisis will reshape the world as one knew.

THD NewsDesk, New Delhi: Health Minister Harsh Vardhan remarked on Wednesday that COVID-19 vaccines are on their way to be welcomed by India after the launch of the world’s biggest vaccination drive with two made-in-India shots earlier this month. Directing at an online ‘Future Investment Initiative’ event, Vardhan said the prevailing crisis would reshape the world as one knew.

“Mankind will only remember one thing from the year 2020 that is the deadly virus that created devastation across the world. But at the same time, it will also be remembered how science and healthcare sectors came to the rescue in a record time,” he said. The health minister said the pandemic has also lead to a heightened nationalism, but it has also shown us how important global cooperation is for everyone.

Also, never before modernization and technology were so pertinent in our lives, he said. Vardhan said the pandemic also urged everyone to come out of denial concerning vandalism to the environment.

“The lesson to humankind is obvious that health is more important than anything else. We never earlier realized how global cooperation is important for all of us. So, we must realize that the rewards must be distributed everywhere, regardless of when it is developed,” he added.

Another consequence of the pandemic has been an accelerated extension of telemedicine types of equipment, and this crisis has given rise to a large number of health startups, he said. 

Consequently, it also calls for a more comprehensive protection net against medical expenses, he said.

The minister said India set up the world’s largest vaccination drive on January 16 with two vaccines made in India, and more are in progress to be introduced soon.

He also assured the investors that the pace of progress in India would continue on an upward trajectory.

Source: Financial Express

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