Would International Travel Be Any Easier Henceforth?

Revised COVID-19 International Travel Guidelines 


THD NewsDesk, New Delhi: With effect from August 8th, 2020, new internal regulations will be imposed regarding the COVID pandemic in India. The institutional quarantine can be relaxed for those international travelers who submit a negative RT-PCR test report for COVID-19 as soon as they arrive.

In addition to the test report, a passenger also has to produce a declaration confirming the authenticity of the report upon their arrival in India, forging which will be considered a criminal offense.

This test has to be conducted 96 hours prior to boarding for the journey, which will be uploaded on the Airport Authority portal, www.newdelhiairport.in. Along with this, 72 hours prior to the travel, all passengers have to upload a self-declaration on this portal.

Further, all passengers have to submit an online undertaking that they will go through mandatory quarantine for 14 days upon their arrival: 7 days quarantine paid by the passengers and 7 days home isolation and self- monitoring.

“Only for compelling reasons/cases of human distress such as pregnancy, death in the family, serious illness and parent(s) with children of the age of 10 years or below, home quarantine may be permitted for 14 days,” according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

There would be thermal screening performed at airports, land ports, and seaports, if any symptoms are detected in any passenger, they will be immediately isolated and taken to a medical facility.

Passengers exempted from institutional quarantine, after the thermal screening, will show intimation to their respective state authorities and will be quarantined at home for 14 days. While the remaining passengers will be taken to their respective state and union territory quarantine facilities. According to the ministry, states can develop their own quarantine protocol after the passengers’ arrival.


Source: Livemint 
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