8 Most Common Dental Problems and Treatments

Dental and oral health are critical components of general health and well-being. Here are some of the most common dental problems and treatments.

The majority of dental issues can be avoided. Brushing twice a day, flossing every day, eating a nutritious diet, and visiting the dentist on a regular basis are all necessary. Preventing dental problems by learning about them and their causes is also a good idea. In this article, we explore some of the most common dental problems and treatments.

Oral health issues can have a substantial impact on a person’s general health, relationships, and well-being. Despite this, many people underestimate the value of good oral and dental hygiene. According to the American Dental Association, around 100 million Americans do not visit a dentist every year.

8 Common Dental Problems and Treatments-

1. Tooth Decay

Dental caries or cavities are other terms for tooth decay. It is the most common dental condition encountered by dentists. Almost everyone has suffered tooth decay at some point in their lives.

8 Most Common Dental Problems and Treatments
Image Source: mccarldental

Plaque, a film formed by bacteria on the surface of teeth, causes tooth decay. From the carbohydrates in food, bacteria generate acids. The acids erode away at the enamel, or outer covering, of the tooth, causing irreversible damage. The acids then attack the dentin layer underlying the enamel, which is softer.

Cavities or holes in your teeth can result from this tooth disintegration. It can also induce toothaches, such as when you eat or drink something hot, cold, or sweet.

The following are some of the other signs and symptoms of tooth decay:

The first step in dental care is determining the extent of your tooth decay and prescribing a treatment plan. Fillings, crowns, and root canals are all options. Extraction may be followed by dental implants or dentures as a treatment option.

Regular brushing and flossing (twice daily) can help prevent tooth decay. Also, see your dentist on a regular basis to have plaque scraped from your teeth.

2. Gum Disease

Gingivitis is a minor form of gum or periodontal disease in its early stages. It’s a bacterial illness brought on by plaque accumulation. Gums that are red, swollen, and bleed readily are common symptoms. Bad breath and sensitive teeth that ache when chewing are also possible side effects.

Gum disease can be exacerbated by skipping brushing and using ineffective brushing techniques. Crooked teeth that are difficult to brush properly might also be a problem. Tobacco usage, pregnancy, and diabetes are all risk factors.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that gingivitis can be painless, so you might not notice it. Regular dental examinations are therefore recommended.

Gingivitis can be cured with a thorough teeth cleaning from your dentist. Brushing and flossing twice a day will help keep it from returning.


Gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more serious form of gum disease if left untreated. When pockets in the gums become infected, this is what happens. This can cause harm to the bone and tissue that support the teeth in place since these get infected as well.

Image Source: nature

It may also result in

Topical antibiotics to treat the infection or a referral to a periodontist – a gum disease specialist – are among the dental treatments for periodontitis.

3. Sensitive Teeth

When the enamel wears away and the dentin is exposed, your teeth become sensitive to hot and cold meals and drinks. The dentin contains tubes that lead to the nerve, which is located deeper within the tooth. The passage of hot or cold substances through the tubes to the nerve can produce excruciating pain.

Image Source: economictimes.indiatimes

Tooth decay can cause tooth sensitivity, commonly known as dentin hypersensitivity. Other factors to consider are:

Because the enamel layer of your teeth is naturally thin, you may have sensitive teeth. There are toothpastes and mouthwashes specifically designed for people who have sensitive teeth. A fluoride treatment, crown, gum graft, or root canal may be recommended by your dentist. The treatment you receive is determined by the severity of your condition.

4. Receding Gums

Receding gums can be caused by and contribute to a variety of different dental issues. More significant problems, like tooth loss, can arise as a result of the illness. This is due to the fact that the condition exposes the tooth’s sensitive root, making it vulnerable to harm. Gum recession can be caused by a number of things, including:

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Your receding gums could also be genetic, meaning you have a family history of the issue. A thorough cleaning of your teeth by a dental professional is part of dental care for receding gums. Brushing techniques may also be demonstrated. In severe situations, a gum transplant or other form of surgery may be required.

5. Root Infection

Bacteria can cause the base or root of your tooth to become inflamed and swollen. Cavities, fissures, and fractures in the tooth are the most common causes of this. Root infection can cause harm to the tooth’s tissues and nerves, as well as the formation of abscesses.

One sure indicator of root infection is a chronic (long-lasting and persistent) aching toothache. Chewing and biting will be painful, and the area of your mouth affected by the infection will be extremely sensitive to hot and cold foods and beverages. The area of the face around the infection can become enlarged in some circumstances.

Image Source: dbishopendo

A root canal is used to treat a root infection. And, while many of us shudder at the prospect of having a root canal, the treatment is actually highly safe and painless because dentists utilize anesthesia during the procedure.

6. Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is a slow-moving disorder that causes teeth to become discolored and rounded. Consumption of sugary and acidic foods such as soda and sweets over a lengthy period of time is the primary reason. Brushing your teeth too hard, too long, and too often is a rare reason.

Image Source: listerine-me

Enamel erosion causes teeth to become extremely sensitive, weak, and prone to fractures, chipping, and cupping. On teeth that have had enamel erosion, the missing enamel cannot be replaced. Cutting back on sugary and acidic foods, on the other hand, can help to prevent additional enamel degradation. Brushes with softer bristles are also beneficial. Dental veneers can also significantly improve the appearance of your teeth.

7. Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can affect anyone at any time. Although it is not a natural feature of ageing, it is more prevalent among the elderly. Cancer therapies, salivary gland dysfunction, nerve damage, and diabetes are all causes of dry mouth. Dry mouth and throat can be caused by HIV/AIDS and some drugs.

Image Source: diabetes.co

Taking sips of water throughout the day can help to ease dry mouth and throat. It’s also a good idea to stay away from compounds that are known to be drying. Alcohol, smoke, caffeine, and sweets are among them.


Dental troubles are a prevalent ailment that many people overlook. Nutrition, self-esteem, and overall health and well-being are all affected by dental disorders. They could also be signs of an underlying medical disease or, if left unchecked, produce long-term complications.

When you see signs of any of these common dental diseases, contact Smile Experts Dental right away so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. Please contact them for routine dental care to avoid common dental issues. Their dentists can help you with any area of your dental health. 

They have clinics in three convenient locations

Washington D.C.

1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Suite 100

Washington, DC 20006

Map & Directions

Phone: (202) 545-6336

Burke, VA

9570 Burke Road

Unit A

Burke, VA 22015

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Phone: (571) 374-8000

Forestville, MD

7610 Pennsylvania Ave

Suite 302

Forestville, MD 20747

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Phone: (301) 223-3335

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Source: TheSecondAngle

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