As the tsunami of coronavirus has hit the world with a sharp blow, scientists, doctors, and experts failed to cope with the remedial pace along the hit.
India which is a land of organic remedies and solutions finding their way in almost every house emerging as traditions of culture has now actually benefited those who still live close to nature. After enormous suffering for around 2 years, the danger still doesn’t seem to halt. What we can do now is to prepare our bodies and accept the challenge dauntlessly.
The following measures can help us build a healthy relationship with nature and boost our immunity against dreadful diseases and viruses like covid;
Dietary Measures
It’s true that we become what we eat. A healthy organic diet of a person must include a substantial amount of vitamins, antitoxins, and body hygienic substances. Yogurt and turmeric can be beneficial for immunity due to their probiotic and antioxidants nature respectively.

Garlic and ginger are also advised vehemently. Among all kinds of Vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin D play a major role in strengthening one’s immunity. For the same, one should have more citrus fruits and vegetables like Amla, Lemon, Orange, and others. Also, egg yolks and mushrooms are good sources of Vitamin D.
Organized Sleep
A good sleep cycle is a part of a disciplined lifestyle that eventually contributes to a healthy body. Sleep and the immune system have a bidirectional relationship. Immune response, like that caused by a viral infection, can affect sleep. At the same time, consistent sleep strengthens the immune system, allowing for balanced and effective immune function.

Lack of sleep, on the other hand, can throw off the immune system. Evidence indicates that in both the short and long term, sleep deprivation can make you sick.
Yoga and Meditation
What various Ayurveda and health experts have been prescribing for over decades is the implementation of yoga and meditation in our lives for maintaining a fit mind and body. There are innumerable asanas with specific advantages.

Regular practice of yoga has shown effective results. Different asanas boost immunity, build the body’s strength, increase energy levels, bring down anxiety and stress, and infuses positivity and freshness in the mind.
When thinking about the cause of sickness, weather and other external pollutants are usually the first ones to blame. However, talk to any yogi and you will most likely find out that they rarely get sick. Some of the asanas are Shishuasana(child pose), Setu bandhasana(Bridge pose), and Bhujangasana(Cobra pose).
To Abstain
Apart from what we should imbibe in our lifestyle, what is more, rudimentary is what to deviate. For sustaining our immunity, one should abandon or avoid certain food with a high salty or sugary composition like chips, frozen dinners, and fast food that may impair the immune system. To abandon the habits if one has like smoking, or drinking certain addictive substances.

Certain habits like smoking, vaping, alcohol consumption, and substance abuse have a direct correlation between weakened body defenses and respiratory illnesses. Engaging in smoking and vaping is proven to weaken your lung capacity and destroy the cells lining your respiratory tracts.
Being Hydrated
Lastly, being hydrated is the key to an immune system with a fresh mind all along. Drinking water can help improve the overall immunity of your body. Staying hydrated helps your body naturally eliminate the bacteria and toxins that cause infection.

With the help of water, oxygen and nutrients are distributed throughout the body, and waste material is flushed out from the body. Thus, it helps keep diseases at bay. Alkaline water or warm water is prescribed at most.
These measures should be incorporated as habits. The corona strain can be tackled by preparing through these measures before it hits us rather than regret it later.
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