Developing a habit is not easy. It takes time, effort, and self-control to establish a new habit. Once you’ve done that, it can be even more challenging to break the habit. As with everything else in life, smoking has its challenges too.
But there are also rewards associated with keeping the habit of smoking as well. Every cigarette has its pros and cons – though many of us don’t think about them much. However, if you are planning to take up the vice, then here are some lesser-known side effects of smoking that no one talks about.
Nicotine addiction
In the beginning, nicotine is something that gives you a little boost while you are trying to quit smoking. Even as you remain a non-smoker, you miss that little bit of boost it used to give you. However, as the days go by, you notice that you crave nicotine more and more. It makes you feel restless, anxious, and jittery, and it has a very strong effect on your mood.
When you are addicted to nicotine, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve reduced the number of cigarettes you’re consuming. Nicotine, being a highly addictive substance, will always send signals to your brain that “hey, we’ve got supply. Replete yourself.” So once you are addicted to nicotine, you are never going to be free of it.

Damaged lungs
When you are a smoker, you breathe in many substances that can harm your lungs. The tar and carbon monoxide in the smoke is hazardous to your lungs, but there are also chemicals in the tobacco leaves. When you are a smoker, you damage your lungs more than a non-smoker. There is a risk of getting lung cancer if you continue to smoke, but if you quit, it is almost certain that you will have damaged lungs. The risk increases as you continue to smoke.
Many people smoke to calm themselves down and relax, but this isn’t the case for everyone. Some people suffer from headaches because of smoking. In many cases, it is a sign that your brain isn’t getting enough oxygen. You might not be aware of it, but if you smoke, you might be causing damage to your brain.
Dry mouth
When you smoke, your mouth gets dry. Many people don’t know that when you smoke, it dries out your mouth. Since you use your mouth as a conduit for smoking, you are also damaging your gums and teeth. Your mouth can get infected if you don’t change your habit.

Depression and anxiety
Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide. This is a poisonous substance that affects the functioning of your brain. It decreases the blood flow to your brain and you may find yourself getting sad, anxious, and even depressed. This is a serious problem and should be addressed with the help of a counselor. Nicotine is also bad for your mental health.
Unhealthy weight gain
When you smoke, you put a lot of unhealthy substances in your body. These include tar and carbon monoxide that are harmful to your lungs, plus many chemicals in the tobacco leaves. This might promote unhealthy weight gain around the central part of the body, ie, the protruding tummy.
Unhealthy weight loss
Some may gain weight while others tend to lose weight when they smoke. The primary reason for this is that smoking increases our metabolism, decreasing metabolic efficiency, and also provides loss of appetite thus resulting in unhealthy weight loss in a lot of smokers.

If you’re planning to take up the vice of smoking, then you should also be aware of the side effects associated with it. It might help you avoid them and make you more accountable for your actions. Also, if you are already a smoker, you should address them as soon as possible so that you can break the habit and live a healthier life.
It is important to note that there is no such thing as a healthy cigarette. Whether you’re talking about tobacco or any of the additives, they are all harmful to your health. Furthermore, it is also important to note that no amount of nicotine is going to help you break the habit of smoking. If you want to quit, there are several ways that you can use.
If you are interested in quitting, it is important to realize that you can’t just expect to give up the habit without any effort. You need to take steps to change your mindset.
It is also important to remember that quitting is not a one-time thing – it is a lifestyle change. This means that you will need to make it a priority in your life and work towards making it a part of your routine.
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