It is a vital factor for each and every individual for attaining necessary growth and development. So to make people aware of the importance of having the right nutrition, National Nutrition Week is celebrated every year from 1st to 7th September.
National Nutrition Week is celebrated across the country and is based on a theme every year, and the theme for National Nutrition Week 2021 is “feeding smart right from start”, which focuses on consuming the right kind of food from an early age to keep yourself fit and healthy during your later life.

In a country like India, where millions of people don’t have access to the right nutrition and still are undernourished, creating awareness amongst the people is the first step towards a healthier society.
Such a change will not happen overnight but these small programs will pave a path to achieve the bigger goal.
National Nutrition Week was an initiative started in March 1973 by members of the American Dietetic Association to educate the masses about nutrition while promoting the profession of dietetics. The organization is now known as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Following the lead, the Indian Government also introduced the National Nutrition Week commemoration in India in the year 1982.
This was important for a country like India where 14% of its whole population is still malnourished. In fact, according to the 2020 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 94th out of 107 countries by UNICEF.
Nutrition can be defined as the process through which we acquire food necessary for our growth and development. Food provides our body with different nutrients including protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals to live and function properly.

Therefore Nutrition Week highlights the importance of having a balanced diet and how it is essential for good health and well-being. Also, it tells us how an unhealthy diet increases the risk of many diet-related diseases.
National Nutrition Week Activities:
As a part of the celebrations, many governments and non-government organizations hold an array of different campaigns and programs. You can either be a part of one or do something yourself.

The Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India has 43 Community Food and Nutrition Extension Units that are spread across 30 states and UTs of the country under the Food and Nutrition Board.
They organize various workshops, orientation training, campaigns, community meetings, etc to spread the word about the importance of nutrition.

Moreover, if you are fortunate enough to do something on your own, you can spare some amount from your pocket to cook or buy a wholesome and nutritious meal and distribute it among those in need.
Today, when everything has gone online, it would be an ideal opportunity for us to spread the word about the importance of eating right and the necessity of a nutritious diet in our daily life. As said by the British writer and philosopher, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”
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